Kids and Reality TV

The ‘Reality’ of Kinds on Television.” October 24, 2022. Psychology Today.

Why ‘Bet on Your Baby’ is Bad for the Babies.” April 24, 2013. Kveller.

“Lil Poopy: The Male Honey Boo Boo?” March 1, 2013. The Huffington Post.

“The Similarities Between Honey Boo Boo and Malala Yousafzai.” October 30, 2012. The Huffington Post.

Toddlers & Tiaras Justice.” August 31, 2012. Slate (Double X).

Tiger Teachers: The New Stage Moms Aren’t Moms.” June 4, 2012. The Huffington Post.

The ‘Grand’ Finale: Ending Season 4 of Toddlers & Tiaras.” September 25, 2011. The Huffington Post.

Glitz and Drama Down Under.” August 3, 2011. The Huffington Post.

Reality TV kids need the law on their side.” June 25, 2010. Opinion Column in USA Today.

“Balloon Boy Plus Ei8ht?: Children and Reality Television.” Spring 2010. Contexts.